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the birds

the sky

the birds

the sky

Whatever your goals, your dreams, your desires, we can pro-
vide the ultimate space for your plans in the former Telegrafen
Centrale. High above Vienna’s rooftops, where the city is at its prettiest – and where, even over a century ago, Vienna represented the future.

Up here, underneath the sophisticated structures of this build-
ing’s roof, a building that was as groundbreaking then as it
is now, where you can practically reach out and touch the audacity that marked the beginnings of modernism, not only do your eyes sweep across Vienna’s urban silhouette, your thoughts also sweep across our culture’s intellectual landscape.

“Life can only be understood backwards;
but it must be lived forwards.”

Sören Kierkegaard (1811–1855)

Your penthouse on Börseplatz 1 is a unique and inimitable experience. The sight of the building alone, even from below with both feet still on the ground, firmly planted on the mundane asphalt of everyday life, is enough for the former Tele-
grafen Centrale to inspire awe. The journey up the outside staircase between the flagpoles, through the stately vestibule to the historical stairwells and on up to your personal pent-
house gives you a sense of the investment you are making in your future. And this experience does not end in the capaciousness of your new home. Open the windows and doors, step out onto the terrace, and enjoy the expansive view of your very own future. A world in which everything that is un-
attainable for most people is simply a matter of course for you.

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